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Thumbs up! (w/video)

There’s a powerful phrase constantly displayed on Facebook, and though you’ve read it, you’ve likely never thought about it. The phrase simply says, “Be the first person to like this.” Written under any new post or picture that pops up in your newsfeed, this short sentence can hold a lot of power in certain situations.

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Clicking this virtual “thumbs up” is a way of acknowledging that you agree with what is posted or that you just flat out like it. But if you are similar to me, you don’t put much thought into the deeper meaning behind the act of declaring that “like.” It’s become a mindless action that our fingers employ with little more than a glance. Often, we may even click our approval without even reading the link attached to it.

What exactly does being the first person to “like” something really mean? On Facebook it might not mean much, other than you happening to be the first person to see the new post. But in real life, being the first person to “like” or follow a leader can have a monumental impact.
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We live in a world where people are encouraged to stand up, to be strong, and chart a new path. Being a leader, someone who shares their thoughts, is considered one of the most powerful and admirable positions to strive for. In reality, until a first follower validates that person, the “leader” is simply a bold person with an idea. Being a follower doesn’t sound like a true accomplishment, but that simple act of coming alongside someone, is where the real influence lies.

We hold a remarkable power when we decide to endorse, to like, and to follow others. This strength is in our hands and our hearts, yet we must be careful who we choose to pattern our life after, who we decide to encourage, and who we want to be associated with. History is full of examples of people following leaders gone bad. But our past is also rich with people who humbly led great movements, like Martin Luther King, Jr. and the late Nelson Mandela. Their followers are what made their passions become influential, and they could not have impacted the world so greatly without those who joined them in their journey.
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Not everyone may feel called to be a leader. The good news is everyone is able to follow. Be discerning as to what a person presents as their goal. Observe those around you and notice who has brazen integrity, wise practices, and innovative ideas. Support them if they do take a stand, and be bold enough to be the first one to encourage them. Followers quickly can become a refuge of strength and a comfort to a leader when uncertainty strikes. It is an honor to be called to lift them up.

The Facebook “like” button may seem to have diminished our culture’s importance of what it means to give our “thumbs up.” In real life, there’s not always an easy way to mindlessly click and feel accomplished in your support. But the effort is worth it, and you never know whom you might be pouring into. Follow well, and do so intentionally. The next world changer could be right in front of you.

For another perspective on this concept, watch the TED talk by Derek Sivers titled, “How to start a movement.” It is a short, yet memorable talk that I highly recommend viewing. You can watch it below:

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